Ashley Morgan
For your full-stack and front-end needs
Next Blogging
A small scale blogging site
GitHub Repo Deployed Project
This is a blogging site for users to share their thoughts, built with Next and MongoDB
This full-stack project uses CRUD to process blog posts. A user can create a post, see their own posts and posts of others, update their own posts, and delete their own posts. Furthermore, they can update their own profile information. It uses Next Authentication for sign up and login, and the site renders differently depending on whether they are signed in or not.It is fully mobile responsive in design and features both a light scheme and a dark scheme depending on browser settings. The schemes are effectively reverses of each other and with the exception of some red elements for links and danger warnings, are on the same gray scale of the default gray of Tailwindcss. Font is imported with Next’s Google font imports.
There are 4 limitations, which are things I would like to add. There is limited security checks and no email validation. The first is that the content section of a blog renders all as one block even though the textarea input allows for new lines. The second is that there is no search functionality which would be useful. The last is that there is no toggle between dark and light mode, rather it relies on the system or browser.
Old Portfolio
My Old Portfolio
GitHub Repo Deployed Project
A portfolio website created with Next.js and TailwindCSS
The old version of my portfolio. I did some research on the portfolios of others, and built the base design around it. I used a somewhat minimalist design, probably my favourite kind of design, a principle that was expanded for the current version of my portfolio. The colour scheme was simple, mostly just two colours, burgundy and beige. Burgundy, one of my favourite colours, and beige as a good contrast that doesn’t give me headaches like white does.
One major limitation for this site is that there is no dark mode and light mode. My bias towards dark mode is evident, but there is no switch between the schemes, like this current portfolio has.
The Paint Atheneum
A repository of paints used for painting miniatures
GitHub Repo
A miniature paint library built in SvelteKit, Supabase, and Tailwind
This website is a miniature paint library (hence the name Athenuem, an ancient word for library). It is designed to eventually have all paints created for use in miniature gaming, of which there are way more than you would think Currently the site only has the paints of 2 companies and that is already several hundred. And finding them is manual work for me. The database, built with Postgres using Supabase, is created from a lot of information I collected including the paint name, company, range, colour category, paint type, and a hex code for the colour if I can get it. Eventually I want the ability to search these colours properly, as opposed to by certain criteria, and to have similar colours pop up so people can compare ranges. This was originally a React project built as my final project in web dev school, and then rebuilt using SvelteKit with a few more features added to it such as pagination.
The three biggest limitations currently are that the website does not seem to want to be hosted anywhere, there is no search bar type functionality yet, and the comparison between paint ranges does not exist on either the frontend or the database.
- TailwindCSS
- Javascript
- React
- NextJS
- SvelteKit
- Bootstrap
- Node
- Express
- Postgres
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Superbase
- Git
- GitHub
- Figma
- Writing
- Communication
- Research
About Me
My name is Ashley, and I am a web developer who likes fullstack as well as more frontend-focused accessibility. I have a degree in history but also a certificate in web development, which I earned with honours.
I am originally from England and spent a couple of years in Ghana in west Africa before I hit double digits. Eventually my parents, with me in tow, moved to Canada where I settled down, graduating high school and eventually university. I studied history originally, before studying computer science after I switched universities, then finishing my history degree. Little bit of everything I guess.
I am nonbinary, using they/them pronouns, am queer and autistic. This might be part of why I focus so much on accessibility, but my ADHD also means I like learning about almost anything, which is why I also like fullstack work. I love trying to come up with new designs yet somehow ending up on not just the same layout, but sometimes the same or similar colour schemes.